Sunday 27 March 2016

Pengertian dan Contoh Discussion Text

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kali ini akan mengulas materi mengenai Pengertian dan Contoh Discussion Text. Discussion text merupakan jenis teks yang menjelaskan suatu masalah yang ditinjau paling tidak oleh dua sudut pandang yang berbeda, lalu sampai pada suatu simpulan atau rekomendasi

Tujuan Komunikatif:
  1. Isu yang diluncurkan
  2. Argumen yang mendukung dan yang kontra
  3. Simpulan ataupun rekomendasi dari sebuah isu yang dimunculkan
Ciri kebahasaan:
  1. General Nouns, untuk menyatakan kategori, contoh: uniform, alcohol, dll
  2. Relating Verbs untuk memberi informasi tentang isu yang sedang didiskusikan, misalnya: smoking is very harmful, dll
  3. Thinking verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi dari si penulis, misalnya: I feel, I hope, dll
  4. Additives, contrastives, dan causal connetives untuk menghubungkan suatu argumen, misalnya saja: similiarly, on the hand, dll.
  5. Detailed noun group untuk memberikan informasi secara padu, misalnya: the dumping of unwanted kitten, dll
  6. Modalities, seperti perhaps, should must, dll
  7. Adverbial of manner, misalnya: hopefully, dll
Abortion: Pro and Contra
First of all, I would like to thank the organizing committe for giving me opportunity to say a few words at this seminar. In this occassion  I would like to speak about “Abortion: Pro and Contra”
As you see, there has been a great deal of discussion on the problem of aabortion in this country and abroad. The discussion includes: is abortion is legal or illegal?, is abortion morally justified or not?, but in this discussion I would like to talk from another side.
To begin with, let me say that abortion is one of the method of birth control.
Let see the fact about the population problem in a country. When a country faces the problem of population explosion, the government should find out the method to solve it. But since no methods of contraception is one hundred percent effective and successful, abortion become the only way out when prevention fail.
On the other hand, abortion may cause many negative effect for women’s health. Women risk their health and lives in bearing the wight of the operation and its consequences. The most common complication are imflammation, interruption of menstrual pattern, infertility, endometriosis, myoma of the uterus and many other kinds of ovary illness.
So far, abotrion becomesa dilemma for a countries with a large number of the citizens. On the one hand, it can control the birth rate but in the other hand it brings terrible consequences, especially for the women’s health,

Itulah penjelasan mengenai Pengertian dan Contoh Discussion Text yang dapat Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sajikan bagi anda para pembaca semua. Terimakasih telah berkunjung dan semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semuanya, amin.

Penjelasan Lainnya:
Pengertian dan Contoh NarrativeText
Pengertian dan Contoh Recount Text
Pengertian dan Contoh Report Text
Pengertian dan Contoh Procedure Text
Pengertian dan Contoh Desriptive Text
Pengertian dan Contoh Explanation Text

Pengertian dan Contoh Discussion Text Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Oim Abdul Rohim